• Emblem, 2015
    ink on paper
    by T. Jamyansuren

  • "Camel" calligraphy, 2009
    ink on cotton 15 1/2 x 23 inches
    by Ts.Narmandakh

  • "Harmony" calligraphy, 2009
    ink on paper 18 x 26 inches
    by Ts. Narmandakh

  • Dakinis, 2006
    canvas,oil 35 x 43 inches
    by Soyolmaa Davaakhuu


October 4

 University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94704

Mongolian Calligraphy and Scripts

3:00 pm–6:00 pm

This event introduces the history and art of Mongolian calligraphy. Mongolia scholar Brian Baumann, who teaches modern and Classical Mongolian language at UC Berkeley, will discuss and demonstrate the history and variety of scripts and writing systems in Mongolia. The Mongolian artist T. Jamyansuren will demonstrate the art of calligraphy and its specific features. An accompanying exhibit will show his research on a variety of scripts throughout 13th c. -20th c. and richness of calligraphic tradition in Mongolia. The event will also present a poetry citation by a Mongolian poetess B. Enkhjargal from Bay Area. Co-sponsored and co-organized by the Mongolia Foundation.


The Mongolia Foundation

Himalayan & Central Asian



United States
419 Stannage Avenue, Albany, CA 94706


By Appointment
10 am–5 pm